Sunday, 26. October 2014 Miscellaneous 1 Thessalonians - Lectionary Series - 2 Preacher Rob Imberger Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-13
Sunday, 19. October 2014 Miscellaneous 1 Thessalonians - Lectionary Series - 1 Preacher Rob Imberger Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Sunday, 5. October 2014 Miscellaneous Philippians - Lectionary Series - 3 Preacher Rob Imberger Scripture: Philippians 3:4-14
Sunday, 28. September 2014 Miscellaneous Philippians - Lectionary Series - 2 Preacher Rob Imberger Scripture: Philippians 2:1-13
Sunday, 14. September 2014 Miscellaneous Romans - Lectionary Series - 6 Preacher Rob Imberger Scripture: Romans 14:1-21
Sunday, 7. September 2014 Miscellaneous Romans - Lectionary Series - 5 Preacher Rob Imberger Scripture: Romans 13:1-10
Sunday, 27. July 2014 Exodus Lessons from Exodus 7 - God’s Grace and Our Effort Preacher Rob Imberger
Sunday, 6. July 2014 Exodus Lessons from Exodus 4 - Leaders - The Toll and Responsibility Preacher Rob Imberger