Sunday, 24. May 2020 The Emmaus Road Emmaus Road - Jesus the exalted one Preacher Karen Reid Scripture: Daniel 7:13-14, Psalm 110, Romans 8:31-39
Sunday, 17. May 2020 The Emmaus Road The Emmaus Road – Jesus the cornerstone Preacher John Geldart Scripture: Psalm 118:19-29, 1 Peter 2:4-10
Sunday, 10. May 2020 The Emmaus Road The Emmaus Road - Jesus the fulfilment of prophecy Preacher Rob Edwards Scripture: Psalm 22:1-21, Isaiah 53:1-9, 1 Peter 2:11-25
Sunday, 26. April 2020 The Emmaus Road The Emmaus Road - Intro Preacher Trev Bell Scripture: Luke 24:13-35, 1 Peter 1:13-25