

Heavenly Father, as the New Year unfolds make us mindful of the fact you are the Lord of all the years. As we step into the future in faith, help us to trust your Sovereignty over all the nations, even though we see so many engaging in conflict and war across borders. We pray for the emerging leadership in Syria that changes might contribute to new paths to peace and coexistence in the Middle East. Bless all international leaders who work for solutions that will reduce pain and suffering, especially for children and vulnerable people.. Amen.

National and local

Pray for the influence of our nation to be a blessing to the smaller nations nearby and not seek only our own benefit in business, development, and regional relationships.

Pray for wise and stable government, that we may live in peace, and that we may serve in the world to bring greater peace and justice to the global community.

Pray for help to those in our community struggling with cost-of-living pressures and rising anxiety, especially in this period after Christmas when debt and new bills often cause hardship.

Pray for new initiatives in the processing of recycling and reusable materials, for outcomes that care for the environment and take responsibility for our own waste production.

Give thanks for Christmas celebrations in our city, especially those that honoured Christ’s birth.

Church and mission


Pray that we would not be content only with happiness but instead would pursue holiness.

Pray that we would not be content to be consumers but that each of us would grow as contributors in God’s church and mission, living simply and generously for God’s glory.

Pray that we would see the value of our daily lives and work, paid and unpaid, and live and work to God’s glory and in love for our neighbours.

Pray for the different groups in our church, this week the young adults and teenagers.


Pray we would grow as transformative, missional communities of faith across our diocese.


Pray for new believers that they would be quick to join a church and that all would grow to maturity in Christ and faithfulness in life and service. May this be true for those who took part in Alpha courses recently as part of our HOPE25 initiatives.

Pray for Christian parents as they disciple their children to follow Christ in an uncertain world.

Pray for greater understanding of the sub-cultures within our society, and that we would grow in willingness to be all things to all people’ so that we may win people for Christ.

Persecuted Church

Mauritania – pressure on Christians in Mauritania has increased recently with stronger blasphemy and apostasy laws. Pray for strength for Christians to persevere in their faith. And pray for a softening of hearts of leaders and authorities that they may be open to Jesus.


Sick and in need

Lyn Holt, Geoff and Ruth Paynter, John Bicknell, Marian Darby, Dorothy Silvester, Dawn Moncrieff, Roz Yum, Muriel Jencke, Tom Glazebrook, Bev Garner, Matt and Kate Vinicombe, Anne Sanderson, Brian & Gwenda Allen, and any others known to us.


Judy Archer